What is an Environment in Atmosly
An Environment allows you to group a set of services having a specific version, usually based on a branch of your repository. For example, you can have one Production
environment (all the services pointing to the main branch), one Staging environment
(all services pointing to the staging branch), etc. You run your application on an environment.
Environment List
Within the Environments module, the first list that you see is the environments list. Please refer to the table below to understand what different columns contain:
Column name | Description |
Name | This is the name you assign to your environment. PLEASE NOTE: Name cannot contain special characters and should be unique. |
Last Updated | Shows when the cluster was last created or updated (whichever is applicable). |
Cluster | The Kubernetes Cluster on which the environment is deployed. |
Project | The project or the application blueprint deployed on the concerned environment. |
Namespace | Namespace provided to your environment. |
Total Services | The total number of services (applications + data sources) deployed on the environment. |
Created by | The user who deployed the environment. |
Status | Status of the environment: 1. INITIALIZING → one or more services are being deployed, for application services, pipelines are running and for data sources, the deployment is yet to finish. 2. ACTIVE → all pipelines have finished running and all data sources have been deployed. 3. UPDATING → 1. One or more services are being added (or deployed) to the environment 2. Services are being re-deployed on the environment after edits 3. Pipelines for services have been auto-triggered and are running (continuous CI/CD) 4. One or more services is being deleted from the environment 4. ERROR → either the pipeline has failed for the application services or data sources were not deployed on the environment. 5. DESTROYING FAILED → destroying job for the environment has failed and would need to be triggered. 6. DESTROYED → the Environment and all its resources have been destroyed. 7. Service Unavailable → When all the services from the environment are deleted. 8. SCALING UP → When an environment's resources are scaling back up for use. 9. SCALING DOWN → When the environment's resources are being reduced to zero. |