Clone Your Environment Effortlessly in Atmosly – Duplicate settings from an existing environment, with a simple update to a few unique fields.
Steps to Clone:
- Choose Environment: Select the Environment you want to clone. Click on the three dots next to the Environment record.
- Click "Clone": Start the cloning process and update the fields listed below.
Fields to Update:
➤ Env Name: New Environment name.
➤ Namespace: Unique namespace.
Application Services:
➤ Container Registry: Different registry, if needed.
➤ Endpoint Type: Public or Private.
➤ Domain: Modify the pre-filled value with a unique string.
➤ Nodegroup Name: New nodegroup, if required.
Database Services:
➤ Display Name: New name for the database.
➤ User Access Details: Update access credentials.
➤ Auto-Generated Password: Toggle on for a new password.
Smart Select:
➤ Highlights Required Fields: Directly update necessary fields, skipping the rest.