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Clusters Overview

We asked ChatGPT, “How would you explain the role of a K8 cluster to a 5-year-old?” and here is what it had to say -

A Kubernetes cluster is like a smart robot that helps manage toy blocks, where each block represents a different app on a computer. This robot organizes the blocks in various rooms, akin to how Kubernetes places and manages applications across different nodes (servers) in a cluster. If a block (app) breaks or gets lost, the robot quickly replaces it, mirroring Kubernetes' ability to automatically fix or replace failed applications. This ensures that all apps are efficiently organized, easily accessible, and running smoothly, much like a well-organized play session with toy blocks.

Cluster List

Within the Clusters module, the first thing that you see is the cluster list. Please refer to the table below to understand what different columns contain:

Description of the image

Column nameDescription
NameThis is the name you assign to your Cluster.
PLEASE NOTE: Name cannot contain special characters and should be unique.
AccountThis is the target account against which your Cluster is created.
RegionCloud provider region in which Cluster is created.
K8s versionKubernetes version of the Cluster.
Last UpdatedShows when the Cluster was last created or updated (whichever is applicable).
Upon hover, you will be able to see the timestamp for when the cluster was created, updated and created by user name.
TypeIf the Cluster was created for production or a non-production (qa, staging, etc) environment.
StatusStatus of the Cluster.
We currently have the following stages associated with the Cluster creation:
1. ACTIVE → Cluster is active and functional
2. CLUSTER_FAILED → Cluster is not successfully created. K8s job failed
3. CLUSTER_CREATING → K8s job is running
4. CLUSTER_CREATED → K8s job completed
5. ADDONS_INITIALIZING → K8s job for addons is running
6. ADDONS_INITIALIZED → K8s job for addons is completed
7. ADDONS_FAILED → K8s job for addons is failed
8. ADDONS_DESTROYING → K8s job for destroying addons is running
9. CLUSTER_DESTROYING → K8s job for destroying the Cluster is running
10. CLUSTER DESTROYED → Cluster has been successfully destroyed and all resources deleted